How to keep your New Year’s resolutions, 20 predictions for 2020, an investigation into the smartphone tracking industry, and a look at how other creatures experience the world. This week’s Fresh Finds.

Do your New Year’s resolutions fizzle out by February? Here’s how you can change your habits for good.

A few decades ago, could you have predicted what 2020 would look like? Check out these 20 things people said would happen by this year.

Did you know that you have a personal tracking device in your pocket? This New York Times article may shock you. It includes instructions on how to reduce/eliminate the trail of your movements.

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a bee? Or anything else besides a human being? Here’s a philosophical and neurobiological look at how other creatures experience the world. Our favourite quote from the article: “What’s harder to distinguish is the precise point where consciousness ends, and what the light switch, “on-off”, moment might be, further down the evolutionary chain.”

Awww of the week: This cat having the time of his life.

See you next week!

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