Inspiring thoughts from a centenarian, how to trick your brain into falling asleep, some tools for channelling your mind’s inner chatter, and a scientific accomplishment that is (literally!) out-of-this world. This week’s Good News.

Former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion turned 100 years old last week. Check out this article from the Toronto Star for some inspiring reflections from the longest tenured female mayor in Canadian history – and her top recommendations for places to visit in her home city. 

Did you know that a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health? Check out this Ted Talk from drummer Jim Donovan for an unexpected tip to help you trick your brain into falling asleep (even when it really, really doesn’t want to). Here’s a hint: it’s all about the rhythm.

Speaking of mental health, if you’re looking for a way to break a pattern of negative and obsessive thinking, check out this article from Behavioral Scientist. It explores how you can channel your mind’s inner chatter into something healthier and more productive  – and help others do the same. As the article says, “The key to beating inner chatter isn’t to stop talking to yourself. The challenge is to figure out how to do so more effectively”. 

Here’s some cheerful scientific news: NASA’s new Perseverance rover has landed safely on Mars! Check out this clip of the team celebrating their accomplishment; you can’t help but smile at their enthusiasm.

Awww of the week: this video of a fisherman who rescues small birds that get blown out to sea is incredibly heartwarming.

See you next week!

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